Publix Freebies

Free Black Bean Ithaca Hummus

Freebies US

Free Black Bean Ithaca Hummus

Publix is offering a free Black Bean Ithaca Hummus for a limited time, but you must first click the "Get Digital Coupon" link on their website and clip it through your digital coupons account or by signing in. Then show your connected phone number or Publix app at checkout to redeem this offer, which is only valid in-store at Publix, one per purchase, until February …

Company/Brand: Publix


Free Mountain Dew Melon

Freebies US

Free Mountain Dew Melon

Experience the thrill and excitement with a free 20 oz Mountain Dew Melon at Publix. Enjoy the exhilarating flavors that bring adventure and joy into your life. Available exclusively in the US, redeem the coupons and have this unique beverage loaded to your Publix account for instant gratification. Dive into the funhouse of flavors that is Major Melon land.

Company/Brand: Publix


Free Starbucks Triple Shot 15 Oz Can

Freebies US

Free Starbucks Triple Shot 15 Oz Can

Enjoy a complimentary 15 oz Starbucks Triple Shot can of chilled coffee made with authentic Starbucks beans by loading a coupon on your Publix card. This offer is exclusively valid in the US and remains valid until October 24, 2020. It's a convenient way to relish your favorite Starbucks beverage at home or while on the move.

Company/Brand: Publix